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0000084_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Young British Photographers.jpg

Perspectives on contemporary British Photography 1. Young British Photographers. This is the first in a series of seminars to assess the current state of British photography by examining the ways that photography is used in our society and hightlighting the conflicts of interest that arise. Y.B.P. is the title of an exhibition currently touring Britain which consists of prints produced over the last 5 years by 14 Young Photographers. In order to indicate the standard of work being produced by a new generation of photographers, those involved in that exhibition have been invited to discuss the following questions: 1. Has there been a renaissance in British photography? 2. Have photographers created sufficient new outlets for photography? 3. Has there been a change in the public's attitude to photography? Participants include Mark Edwards, Brian Griffin, Neil Guilliver, Larry Herman, Paul Hill, Simon Marsden, Ron McCormick, Chris Steele-Perkins, Paddy Summerfield, Homer Sykes, John Wall, John Webb, Valerie Wilmer, Richard Wood, Peter Turner (chair)

Item No.



Printed Exhibition Poster


1 page

Origination Date

Four Corners/Half Moon Photography Workshop/Camerawork, Neil Gulliver

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