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372 results


Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

A flyer for Camerawork's darkroom, workshops, courses, events and exhibitions: Soaps, In a Right ...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

A flyer for Camerawork's darkroom, workshops, courses, activities, events and exhibitions: Imagin...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

A flyer for Camerawork's darkroom, workshops, courses, events and exhibitions: Photopanels, The d...

General Press - Four Corners

A Tower Hamlets Adult Education Short Course - Outline of 5 evenings of film and video looking at...

Organisational - Four Corners

History of Four Corners and Four Corners Cinema with ongoing workshops/events/hires. An extract f...

Organisational - Four Corners

Poster advertising media courses for teachers from Four Corners + AEI
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Oral History Excerpt - Peter Kennard

Kennard describes the power of Camerawork as a collective organisation that was able to operate n...
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Often During the Day - Joanna Davis

An early Four Corners feminist film exploring the domestic sphere. The film uses detailed close-u...
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