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632 results

0003183_Still_Raju Vaidyanathan 2.jpg

Oral History Excerpt - Raju Vaidyanathan

Vaidyanathan talks about his desire to learn more about art and photography. He started going to ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

3rd March 1975; 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Tom Picton, (bottom left) Senior Lecture...

Mike Goldwater Collection

3rd March 1975; 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Tom Picton, (bottom left) Senior Lecture...

People Portraits - Ed Barber

A series of postcards for the Half Moon Photography Workshop Touring Exhibition. Page...

Family Self-Portrait - Richard Greenhill

A series of postcards for the Half Moon Photography Workshop Touring Exhibition
0003174_Still_George Plemper 2.jpg

Oral History Excerpt - George Plemper

Plemper explains his disillusion with teaching and his turn to photography as a series pursuit. H...
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