29 results

Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Jo Spence holding an artwork on mental health issues designed to echo the London Und...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Jo Spence mailing out the second issue of Camerawork together with General Strike ex...
Mike Goldwater Collection
June 1976; Jo Spence with coffee cup reflections in her glasses, in the Indian curry house and ca...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence cutting up gallies for paste-up of an issue of Camerawork at Mike Goldwater's studio in...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence at work in the Half Moon Photography Workshop office at the back of the theatre. Pho...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Autumn 1975; Jo Spence in the new office that the Half Moon Theatre had made available, a small s...
Mike Goldwater Collection
December 1975; Jo Spence working on copy for the first issue of Camerawork Magazine on a borrowed...