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464 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...

Mike Goldwater Collection

A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People queuing down the street on Sunday 13th March 1977 before the door opened for the second Ha...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People queuing down the street on Sunday 13th March 1977 before the door opened for the second Ha...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People queuing in the gallery and down the street on Sunday 13th March 1977 before the door opene...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People queuing in the gallery and down the street on Sunday 13th March 1977 before the door opene...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Materials being laid out in the Half Moon theatre of the second photo jumble sale and print aucti...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Yurgen Schadeberg among the people crowding into the Half Moon theatre for the second photo jumbl...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People crowd into the Half Moon theatre for the second photo jumble sale and print auction on Sun...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People crowd into the Half Moon theatre for the second photo jumble sale and print auction on Sun...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People crowd into the Half Moon theatre for the second photo jumble sale and print auction on Sun...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Terry Dennett running a stall as people crowd into the Half Moon theatre for the second photo jum...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People crowd into the Half Moon theatre for the second photo jumble sale and print auction on Sun...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People in the Half Moon theatre during the second HMPW print auction on Sunday 13th March 1977. T...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People in the Half Moon theatre during the second HMPW print auction on Sunday 13th March 1977. T...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977; A meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119-121 Roman Road, with volunteer Wendy Wallac...
Mike Goldwater in the Camerawork offices

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977; Mike Goldwater at a meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119 Roman Road. Photo by ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977. Tom Picton at a meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119 Roman Road. Photo by Ed Ba...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977. A meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119 Roman Road, with volunteer Wendy Wallace, a...

Mike Goldwater Collection

November 1977 - Folding session at Roman Road for Camerawork 8 with Paul Trevor, Bill Messer and ...
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