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523 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

Shirley Read and Mike Goldwater at the HMPW office, Roman Road. Photo by George Solomonides.
Mike Goldwater in the Camerawork offices

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977; Mike Goldwater at a meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119 Roman Road. Photo by ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

February 1978: Building works - Mike Goldwater having a go with a kango during demolition work ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Camden Co-Optic show, Shaw Theatre, June-July 1974

Mike Goldwater Collection

Portrait of George Solomonides working on a Half Moon Gallery grant funding application. Photo by...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Derek Smith putting up his exhibition, Teeside Industrial Communities show November to December ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning prints at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo j...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Models of possible layouts for the new ground floor gallery and offices at 119 - 121 Roman Road E...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977. Tom Picton at a meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119 Roman Road. Photo by Ed Ba...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Feb 1978 George Solomonides photographing the 1978 jumble sale poster image. Photo by Mary Virg...
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