To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of women marching with banner 'women's contingent marching to london against the means test'
To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of an injured man in a type of pram and a baby pram both being pushed in the street 1910
To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of queue of top hatted men with sandwich boards 'Living in the System' 1900
To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of women posed in clogs, aprons and headscarfs, with man overseer 1875
To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of family with possessions by roadside - entitled 'Evicted at Cherhill, Wilts, Feb 10, 1876...
To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of well-dressed people posing with 'National Station Van 1914'
To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of man, woman and children outside house with chairs, pictures and policeman facing door 1910
To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of three men, pile of boots with sign 'August 8th 1914 Cast Off Boots...Building Labourer's...
To Build Jerusalem - John Gorman
Image of man with megaphone on car with banner 'Save Sacco & Vanzetti protest demonstration again...