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67 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

Terry Dennett running a stall as people crowd into the Half Moon theatre for the second photo jum...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Left to right, Shirley Read, Mike Goldwater, Paul Trevor, Terry Dennett, Liz Heron, a volunteer a...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Left to right, Shirley Read, Mike Goldwater, Paul Trevor, Jo Spence, Terry Dennett and a voluntee...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Spring 1977; A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Ed Barber (left) and Tom Picton during a Camerawork meeting, 1977. Photo by Mike Goldwater

Mike Goldwater Collection

July 1976; Tom Picton working on copy for the next issue of Camerawork during a hot summer's day ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1975; Mike Goldwater doing a radio interview following the first issue of Camerawork Magaz...

Mike Goldwater Collection

January 1976; A folding session for Camerawork's first issue at Mike Goldwater's studio in Fitzro...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning prints at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo j...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning prints at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo j...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning books at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo ju...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning larger items at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first p...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1975; Jo Spence in the new office that the Half Moon Theatre had made available, a small s...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Tom Picton, Senior Lecturer in Photography at the Royal College of Art, in the audience. during ...
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