Mike Goldwater Collection
February to March 1976; Claire Schwob's exhibition "Women, Who Are We?" Photo by Mike Goldwater
Mike Goldwater Collection
February to March 1976; Claire Schwob's exhibition "Women, Who Are We?" Photo by Mike Goldwater
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Volunteer Janet Goldberg working on paste-up for the second issue of Camerawork Maga...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Volunteer Janet Goldberg holds up the layout for a poster image that we used during ...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Paul Trevor working on a layout for a paste-up for the second issue of Camerawork Ma...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Jo Spence holding an artwork on mental health issues designed to echo the London Und...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Jo Spence mailing out the second issue of Camerawork together with General Strike ex...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Volunteer Carl during a folding session for the second issue of Camerawork Magazine ...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Doing Photography' show at the Blackfriars Settlement. Photo by Mike Goldwater
Mike Goldwater Collection
June 1976; The opening for the Hackney Flashers show "Women .. Work in Hackney" at the Half Moon...
Mike Goldwater Collection
June 1976; The opening for the Hackney Flashers show "Women .. Work in Hackney" at the Half Moon...
Mike Goldwater Collection
June 1976; Jo Spence with coffee cup reflections in her glasses, in the Indian curry house and ca...
Mike Goldwater Collection
June 1976; In the Indian curry house and cafe opposite the HMPW in Alie Street, E1.
Mike Goldwater Collection
June 1976; In the Indian curry house and cafe opposite the HMPW in Alie Street, E1.
Mike Goldwater Collection
July 1976; Tom Picton working on copy for the next issue of Camerawork during a hot summer's day ...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence cutting up gallies for paste-up of an issue of Camerawork at Mike Goldwater's studio in...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Autumn 1976; Marilyn Noad, volunteer and fast touch-typist, working on a borrowed golf-ball elect...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence at work in the Half Moon Photography Workshop office at the back of the theatre. Pho...
Mike Goldwater Collection
We produced a ''They Said It" poster with quotes from the press about the first issues of Camera...