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181 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

Summer 1979; As building works continue - with new window frames installed on the grond floor - E...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1975; George Solomonides sorting out Half Moon Gallery posters in the new office that the ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1975; Jo Spence in the new office that the Half Moon Theatre had made available, a small s...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1975; Paul Trevor and volunteer Janet Goldberg working on paste-up for the first issue o...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Models of possible layouts for the new ground floor gallery and offices at 119 - 121 Roman Road E...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979; Paul Trevor and friend at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and prin...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979; David Hoffman helping out at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People queuing down the street on Sunday 13th March 1977 before the door opened for the second Ha...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - the district surveyor (left) and ventilation engineer (right) on s...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People queuing down the street on Sunday 13th March 1977 before the door opened for the second Ha...

Mike Goldwater Collection

People queuing in the gallery and down the street on Sunday 13th March 1977 before the door opene...
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