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159 results

0002941_Camerawork_Document_Camerawork_ScienceAndTechnology_WomenAndScience_PressRelease_1985_Page 1.jpg

Women and Science - Roberta Graham, Sandra Lahi...

Press release for the "Women and Science" exhibition, part of the Science and Technology Programme

Is That It? - Wilf Thust

Printed programme to accompany the film. Includes detailed information of contributors and suppor...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Camerawork Annual Report 87/88 - including report on past 12 months and planning for future

Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck

Peck discusses the development of the film ‘Nighthawks’, Britain’s first feature film about the g...

Oral History Excerpt - Julia Meadows

Meadows recalls the efforts Half Moon made to reduce the elitist stigma around photography as art...

Oral History Excerpt - Paul Trevor

Trevor discussing the spirit of the magazine and its roots in the community, and representing the...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren discusses how Four Corners and the workshops were used by the people, what it meant for th...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren talks about the importance of Four Corners for the community beyond the filmmaking.
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