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294 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979; Paul Trevor and friend at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and prin...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979; David Hoffman helping out at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - Installing ducting in the print drying area. Photo by Mike Goldwater

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - the ducting engineer sealing junctions between ducts in the print f...

Mike Goldwater Collection

September 1979; Layout artist Liz Mackie showing proposed layouts for an issue of Camerawork. ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

September 1979; Layout artist Liz Mackie showing proposed layouts for an issue of Camerawork. ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Summer 1979; As building works continue - with new window frames installed on the grond floor - E...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Models of possible layouts for the new ground floor gallery and offices at 119 - 121 Roman Road E...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Shirley Read and Mike Goldwater at the HMPW office, Roman Road. Photo by George Solomonides.

Mike Goldwater Collection

Half Moon Theatre actors wait in the gallery for their cue during a dress rehearsal. On the w...

Mike Goldwater Collection

1977 - The HMPW's new building at 119 to 121 Roman Road E2. The double-fronted shop and basesmen...

Mike Goldwater Collection

1977 - The HMPW's new building at 119 to 121 Roman Road E2. The double-fronted shop and basesmen...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Summer 1977; Tom Picton hanging up a microphone to record a HMPW meeting at 119 -121 Roman Road. ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977; A meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119-121 Roman Road, with volunteer Wendy Wallac...
Mike Goldwater in the Camerawork offices

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977; Mike Goldwater at a meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119 Roman Road. Photo by ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977. Tom Picton at a meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119 Roman Road. Photo by Ed Ba...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1977. A meeting for Camerawork Magazine at 119 Roman Road, with volunteer Wendy Wallace, a...

Mike Goldwater Collection

November 1977 - Folding session at Roman Road for Camerawork 8 with Paul Trevor, Bill Messer and ...
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