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712 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

January 1976; A folding session for Camerawork's first issue at Mike Goldwater's studio in Fitzro...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1975; Mike Goldwater doing a radio interview following the first issue of Camerawork Magaz...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Spring 1977; A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...

Mike Goldwater Collection

A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Left to right, Shirley Read, Mike Goldwater, Paul Trevor, Jo Spence, Terry Dennett and a voluntee...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Left to right, Shirley Read, Mike Goldwater, Paul Trevor, Terry Dennett, Liz Heron, a volunteer a...

Mike Goldwater Collection

November 1977 - Folding session at Roman Road for Camerawork 8, Swannee Swanson standing, right. ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979; Paul Trevor and friend at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and prin...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979; David Hoffman helping out at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Working on photo jumble sale, Mike Goldwater's studio, January 1976 Photo by Mike Goldwater

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; People wait in the gallery for the doors to open for the Half Moon Photography Wor...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; The Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo jumble sale and print auction, he...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; The Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo jumble sale and print auction, he...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning larger items at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first p...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; A telegram from Bill Brandt giving us permission to auction a print of his at the...
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