Camerawork Magazine - Issue 14
Issue 14: Reporting on Northern Ireland. Special Issue1916 easter rising, amnesty international, army computers, army intelligence photography, bloody sunday massacre
1916 easter rising, amnesty international, army computers, army intelligence photography, bloody sunday massacre, bo bojesen, british army, british empire, british media, british press, buzz logan, castlereagh holding centre, catholic communities, censorship, child poverty, chris steele-perkins, colin jones, daily express, daily mail, daily mirror, dhss, history of ireland, housing, industrial development, infrastructure, internment, ira, ira funerals, john z delorean, long kesh prison, mass surveillance, mcgurk's bar bombing 1971, northern ireland peace movement, orange movement, paramilitary organisations, peace rally 1976, peter kennard, photo-journalism, police surveillance, police violence, raissa page, republicans, roy mason, ruc, sectarian violence, sinn fein, snatch squads, social work today, special branch, steve chibnall, sunday times, syd shelton, the observer, the troubles, tom atkins, tony benn, ulster defence regiment, unemployment, unionists, upi, visor magazine, workers' research unit