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464 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1978; HMPW's third Photo Jumble Sale and Print Auction. Together they raised £1,800 for th...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979 The HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and print auction together raised ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979 Barry Lewis with wife Flick and baby at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumb...

Narita. Twelve years of opposition to Japan's s...

Touring show poster. As on most of the posters, a space was left for venues to overprint their ow...

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater reflects on his desire to work with Camerawork as a combination of his academic interests ...

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater discussing how he found out about Camerawork after moving to North London, meeting Shirley...

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

The election of Margaret Thatcher had a chilling effect on Camerawork and other arts organization...

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater discusses the new era of photography Camerawork was a part of: it did not have to be exclu...
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