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677 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - the existing chimney was in poor repair and was demolished to allow...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - view from roof to rear out-building being used as office space and...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - Richard Platt (centre) and Mike Goldwater support a section of duct...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - (left to right) The ventilation engineer, Richard Platt, Mike Goldw...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Summer 1979; As building works continue - with new window frames installed on the grond floor - E...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Estate show, September 1974 is about a housing estate in Ferdinand Street, Chalk Farm, London by ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Estate', 19 Sept to 16th Oct 1974 is an exhibition about a housing estate in Ferdinand Street, Ch...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Estate', 19 Sept to 16th Oct 1974 is an exhibition about a housing estate in Ferdinand Street, Ch...

Mike Goldwater Collection

27th Jan 1975; Camera Obscured? seminar 'The Task of the Photojournalist' John Benton-Harris an...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1975; Jo Spence in the new office that the Half Moon Theatre had made available, a small s...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; People wait in the gallery for the doors to open for the Half Moon Photography Wor...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; The Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo jumble sale and print auction, he...
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