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980 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

Models of possible layouts for the new ground floor gallery and offices at 119 - 121 Roman Road E...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Letter to Richard Mills with a funding proposal for the Halfmoon Photography Workshop, 9th Septem...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Letter from Mike Goldwater to unnamed individuals asking for donations to support Half Moon Galle...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1975; Jo Spence in the new office that the Half Moon Theatre had made available, a small s...
0000085_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Photography on the Curriculum.jpg

Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...

Perspectives on contemporary British Photography 2. Photography on the Curriculum The purporse of...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; People wait in the gallery for the doors to open for the Half Moon Photography Wor...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; The Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo jumble sale and print auction, he...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; The Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo jumble sale and print auction, he...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning larger items at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first p...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; A telegram from Bill Brandt giving us permission to auction a print of his at the...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning books at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo ju...

Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning prints at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo j...
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