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310 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning prints at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo j...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Ed Barber (left) and Tom Picton during a Camerawork meeting, 1977. Photo by Mike Goldwater

Mike Goldwater Collection

Spring 1977; A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Tom Picton at a photography event in the summer of 1977. Photo by Mike Goldwater

Mike Goldwater Collection

Spring 1977; Tom Picton holding a baby while preparing to do an interview - not sure where. Pho...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Nickey Hughes, who joined the staff a...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979; Paul Trevor and friend at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and prin...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1979; David Hoffman helping out at the HMPW's 4th Photo Jumble Sale. The jumble sale and ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

June 1979; Liz Mackie working on a page layout for an issue of Camerawork in Siddhiratna's studio...

Mike Goldwater Collection

June 1979; Jenny Matthews working on a page layout for an issue of Camerawork in Siddhiratna's st...

Mike Goldwater Collection

September 1979; Jenny Mathews, Shirley Read and Richard Platt working on an issue of Camerawork i...
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