Using Photography - Blackfriars Photography Pro...
Touring Exhibition Booking form 6 - Hackney Reading Centre
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Cancelled booking form for The Sheep Industry exhibition at the University of Lincoln
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Consignment Note for shipping the Sheep Industry exhibition photos to University of Wales, by Hal...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Letter from Ed Barber to Senior Administrative Assistant at the University of Wales agreeing to p...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Letter from Senior Administrative Assistant at the University of Wales, University College of Swa...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Letter from Senior Administrative Assistant at the University of Wales, University College of Swa...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Booking form for The Sheep Industry exhibition at Swansea University
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Letter from University College of Swansea Senior Administrative Assistant to Ed Barber requesting...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Purchase Oder for 100 x A2 posters and 50 x catalogues for The Sheep Industry exhibition dated 5 ...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Letter from University College of Swansea to Ed Barber confirming hire the Sheep Industry exhibit...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Letter to Ed Barber from Director of Crawford Centre for the Arts at University of St Andrews ask...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
With compliments card from Swansea University to Half Moon Photography Workshop attached to newsp...
The Sheep Industry - Pete Addis, Jim Byrne
Letter to Pete Addis and Jim Byrne from the University of Reading Department of Agriculture and H...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Touring Exhibition Booking Form - 2nd from Daniel Machover at Southampton University with handwri...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Letter from Daniel Machover from Southampton University suggesting new dates for hire the Beirut ...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Touring Exhibition booking form (Cancelled) - Southampton University
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Note regarding Daniel Machover from Southampton University handwritten on Camerawork letterhead r...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Touring Exhibition booking form - Sussex University
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Letter from student, Elias Khoury, from Palestine Students' Society at Leeds University to Camera...