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506 results

0000041_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Women A photographic Exhibition.jpg

WOMEN a photographic exhibition - Dorothy Bohm,...

Exhibition Poster for WOMEN a photographic exhibition by Maggie Murray, Sally Greenhill, Val Wilm...

The Whitechapel Open

Whitechapel Art Gallery Art for Society 4 Page Leaflet

The Whitechapel Open

Whitechapel Art Gallery Art for Society 4 Page Leaflet page 2 of 4

The Whitechapel Open

Whitechapel Art Gallery Art for Society 4 Page Leaflet page 3 of 4

The Whitechapel Open

Whitechapel Art Gallery Art for Society 4 Page Leaflet page 4of 4

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Camerawork Annual Report 83/84 - including report on past 12 months and planning for future

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Camerawork Annual Report 82/83 - including report on past 12 months and planning for future

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Policy document setting out new Management Structure of Camerawork c1983/84

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Gallery Programme with details of exhibitions held at Camerawork in 1986-87 including attendance ...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Camerawork Annual Report 82/83 - including report on past 12 months and planning for future

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Letter from Mike Goldwater to unnamed individuals asking for donations to support Half Moon Galle...
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