A Peace of the Action - Anita Corbin, Sheila Gr...
Black and white photograph of an old lady in front of a banner, exterior
A Woman, A Family
A flyer for A Woman, A Family - a series of film programmes and events around womens' issues
Are Spinsters women without men?
Four Corners flyer for four screenings on gender relations, including excerpts from Mary Daly's '...Black (Feminine) - SANKOFA
Programme of events for a series of screenings and discussions organised by SANKOFA Film and Vide...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 19
Issue 19: State of the Nation - E.P.Thompson, Photomontages by Peter Kennard, Edith Tudor-Hart - ...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 20
Issue 20: Zimbabwe - Managing History, Immigrant Women, Cover Women, Political Photomontage: Hear...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 25
Issue 25: Fragmentation, Sexuality and Images, Homo Erotica, Black Culture, German Montage