Camerawork Magazine - Issue 19
Issue 19: State of the Nation - E.P.Thompson, Photomontages by Peter Kennard, Edith Tudor-Hart - ...1930s, anthropology, apartheid, arts & action, arts council, blair peach, boycott, civil liberty, colonialism, community arts, context, cruise missile, cultural imperialism, dictatorship, geographical magazine, haywain, hayward gallery, historical interpretation, history, human rights, interpretation, jo spence, lilliput, margaret thatcher, marxist, meaning, mechanical reproduction, namibia, nato, observers of man, perspective, photography history, photomontage, police, police brutality, policie enquiry, political, representation, representation of women, rhondda valley, social role of women, stamp, surveillance, three perspectives on photography, women, women workers, workers' camera club, workers' film and photo league, working class wives, working in the 30's

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 26
Issue 26: Models of Vision/New Technologiesafterimage, appropriation, avant-garde, bias, bourgeoisie, broadcast, capitalism, channel 4, circulation, colonialism, commodity, computer, constructed, consumption, control, coverage, culture, digital, disc, distribution, documentary, enlightenment, feminism, future, grand tour, graphics, history, identity, ideology, image, knowledge, looking, mafia, manipulation, maps, marx, mass consumption, mavica, mavigraph, meaning, media, narratives, nazis, new objectivity, new technology, nicaragua, ownership, perspective, philosophy, photography and capitalism, pirate radio, positivism, press, process, production, psychoanalysis, reading, reality, referent, representation, reproduction, revolution, science fiction, seeing, signification, signs, situationist, social documentary, spectacle, surrealism, system, technology, television, text, time, truth, video, vision, warfare, women