Camerawork Magazine - Issue 05
Issue 5: Barry Lane Bill Gaskins Bert Hardy and Tom Hopkinson Dave Hoffman Frank Webster Terry De...'quality of life', alternative technology, amber associates, arts council, arts council photography committee
'quality of life', alternative technology, amber associates, arts council, arts council photography committee, barry kay, basement photography project, bbc, cable street, camerawork printing costs, children's photography, community arts, daily mail, daily mirror, developing, feminity, funding applications, hmpw, homosexuality, i.r.a, korean war, maire drumm, natural light, patronage, photojournalism, picture post, processing, semiotics, side gallery and cinema, social realism, strikes, tabloids, television news, text and image, thames television, the box room gallery, the sun, tower hamlets arts project, transgender, transvestite, vanessa redgrave, visual language, whitechapel art gallery, wwii, zone system

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 19
Issue 19: State of the Nation - E.P.Thompson, Photomontages by Peter Kennard, Edith Tudor-Hart - ...1930s, anthropology, apartheid, arts & action, arts council, blair peach, boycott, civil liberty, colonialism, community arts, context, cruise missile, cultural imperialism, dictatorship, geographical magazine, haywain, hayward gallery, historical interpretation, history, human rights, interpretation, jo spence, lilliput, margaret thatcher, marxist, meaning, mechanical reproduction, namibia, nato, observers of man, perspective, photography history, photomontage, police, police brutality, policie enquiry, political, representation, representation of women, rhondda valley, social role of women, stamp, surveillance, three perspectives on photography, women, women workers, workers' camera club, workers' film and photo league, working class wives, working in the 30's

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 29
Issue 29: Images of the Left, McClaren on Cable, Photomontage, Stuart Hall, Video1981, advertising, album covers, alternative, atrocity, band, beirut, beta, branding, broadcast, cable, campaign, colin roach, committing photography, community activism, community arts, community practice, conflict, constraints, darkroom, documentary, documentary realism, east london media forum, economic recession, edinburgh television festival, entertainment, exit photography group, factory records, fashion, female representation, film, format, funding, genocide, graphic design, ideology, inner cities, interview, interviews, invasion, isaac julien, israel, labour, labour party, lebanon, left, london video arts, malcolm mclauren, milton keynes, montage, mtv, music, nam june paik, network, new media, new order, photographing television, photojournalism, picture agency, political photograph, pop, popular, poverty, press, promotion, record industry, record sleeve, rentasnap, rio cinema, riots, self-portrait, simulation, slide, socialism, socialist realism, stuart hall, studio, style, survival programmes, taking tv pictures, tape/slide, television, the photo co-op, vhs, video, video art, video distribution, video exhibition, war, women’s photography, working class, youth vote, zionism