Camerawork Magazine - Issue 01
Issue 1: The Politics of Photography Interview - "Problem in the City" Self Publishing'problem in the city', alternative practice, alternative representation, alternative technology, captions
'problem in the city', alternative practice, alternative representation, alternative technology, captions, class, collective working, commercial photography, community photography, exhibiting, fashion, helmut newton, housing, ica, larry herman, nick hedges, photojournalism, politics, pornography, poverty, printing, processing, ron mccormick, self-publishing, sexual politics, shelter, social realism, statement of aims

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 17
Issue 17: The fashion Spread, Blair Peach-No Cover Up, Matchgirls' Strike-Labour History Musuem, ...1880, activism, advertising, anti-racism, blair peach, bryant & may, capitalism, cliches, commercial photography, community, conservative, copyright, court, deborah turbeville, demonstation, demonstration, depression, do it yourself, economic policy, environment, fashion, fashion industry, female gaze, friends of blair peach committee, guy bourdin, helmut newton, inquest, intellectual property, intervention, labour history, law, male gaze, match-girls, matchbox, mechanical reproduction, media representation, national museum of labour history, nuclear, nuclear power station, nuclear waste, peter kennard, photography/politics, pinhole, police, police brutality, political statement, postcards, printer, privacy, property, protest, racial tension, radioactive waste, representations of women, rights, social reform, stereotypes, strike, teds, union, unionisation, vogue, walkerprint, who killed blair peach? police racism, windscale, windscale inquiry

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 29
Issue 29: Images of the Left, McClaren on Cable, Photomontage, Stuart Hall, Video1981, advertising, album covers, alternative, atrocity, band, beirut, beta, branding, broadcast, cable, campaign, colin roach, committing photography, community activism, community arts, community practice, conflict, constraints, darkroom, documentary, documentary realism, east london media forum, economic recession, edinburgh television festival, entertainment, exit photography group, factory records, fashion, female representation, film, format, funding, genocide, graphic design, ideology, inner cities, interview, interviews, invasion, isaac julien, israel, labour, labour party, lebanon, left, london video arts, malcolm mclauren, milton keynes, montage, mtv, music, nam june paik, network, new media, new order, photographing television, photojournalism, picture agency, political photograph, pop, popular, poverty, press, promotion, record industry, record sleeve, rentasnap, rio cinema, riots, self-portrait, simulation, slide, socialism, socialist realism, stuart hall, studio, style, survival programmes, taking tv pictures, tape/slide, television, the photo co-op, vhs, video, video art, video distribution, video exhibition, war, women’s photography, working class, youth vote, zionism

Leisure Out of Work - John Blake, Ron Haselden
Exhibition Poster for Leisure - Out of Work by John Blake, Ron Haselden; Home Entertainment by Gr...
The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Poster for The Teds by Chris Steele-Perkins1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Photo of Two Women Fighting1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Touring Exhibition Income Tracking1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Booking Form - Side Newcastle1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Letter dated 1 May 19801950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture

The Teds - Chris Steele-Perkins
Exhibition Panels1950s, 1970s, adam and eve pub hackney, bank holiday, brothel creepers, clothes, clubs, codes, dance, edwardian dress, fashion, hairstyles, identity, london, lyceum ballroom, music, new society magazine, posing, pubs, quiffs, red deer croydon, richard smith, rockabilly, rules, second wave of the teds, southend, subculture, teddy boys, teen culture, teenagers, the castle old kent road, the flying saucers, the winchester elephant and castle, working class, young men, youth culture