Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...
Seminar Series Poster for Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary British Photography - par...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 03
Issue 3: Victor Burgin Robert Golden Ralph Gibson Terry Dennett Manuel Alvarez Bravo'quadrants', advertising, alternative technology, amateur, bertolt brecht, developing, documentary, exhibitions, lambeth, leo castelli, manuel alvarez bravo, marxism, mexico, photography as art, photography dealers, pinhole, processing, ralph gibson, robert golden, roland barthes, sarah cox, semiotics, socialism, south island workshop, strikes, sue west, surrealism, trade unions, visual language, walter benjamin, workers, working class

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 07
Issue 7: Viva, Don McCullin and Philip Jones Griffiths, The Unpolitical Photograph?, Paris in the...'paris de nuit', 1930s, advertising, alain garnier, audience, bill brandt, brassai, capitalism, crime, criminal underworld, david seymour, don mccullin, economic depression, fascism, general strike, hardy, herve gloaguen, magnum, martine franck, marxism, mass media, philip jones griffiths, photography book, photojournalism, prostitutes, prostitution, publishers, robert capa, robert golden, roger mayne, self-publishing, side gallery, vietnam war, viva, war photography, yves joanmougin

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 11
Issue 11: Mass Obervation, Humphrey Spender, Nigel Henderson, The Metropolitan Police Card, Inspe...'mass observation ltd.', 1930s, advertising, alternative technology, bolton worktown project, british surrealism, censorship, charles madge, collage, colonialism, consensus politics, consumer research, daily mirror, documentary, espionage, federal writers' project, graffiti, graham bell, great depression, humphrey jennings, humphrey spender, john ruskin, judith henderson, julian trevylan, mass observation (m.o.), met' cards, mike abrahams, ministry of information, n.u.j., national front, nigel henderson, paul nash, pop art, poverty, processing, propaganda, pubs, richard hoggart, social anthropology, social realism, social survey, the blitz, the centre for contemporary cultural studies, the new left, tom harrisson, worktown project (bolton), ww2

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 15
Issue 15: Images of the Disableda kind of life, advertising, adverts, angela kelly, being disabled, benson & hedges, cameroon, cigarettes, clydeside, congo, de-coding advertising, deconstruction of media, fantasy, fees for freelancers, helvard kjaervik, humour, jumble sale, labour, larry herman, limelight, lunn gallery, media representation, photographers' gallery, photographic collecting, self-image, shipbuilding, shipyards, v&a, west africa, woman's identity

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 17
Issue 17: The fashion Spread, Blair Peach-No Cover Up, Matchgirls' Strike-Labour History Musuem, ...1880, activism, advertising, anti-racism, blair peach, bryant & may, capitalism, cliches, commercial photography, community, conservative, copyright, court, deborah turbeville, demonstation, demonstration, depression, do it yourself, economic policy, environment, fashion, fashion industry, female gaze, friends of blair peach committee, guy bourdin, helmut newton, inquest, intellectual property, intervention, labour history, law, male gaze, match-girls, matchbox, mechanical reproduction, media representation, national museum of labour history, nuclear, nuclear power station, nuclear waste, peter kennard, photography/politics, pinhole, police, police brutality, political statement, postcards, printer, privacy, property, protest, racial tension, radioactive waste, representations of women, rights, social reform, stereotypes, strike, teds, union, unionisation, vogue, walkerprint, who killed blair peach? police racism, windscale, windscale inquiry

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 20
Issue 20: Zimbabwe - Managing History, Immigrant Women, Cover Women, Political Photomontage: Hear...advertising, art and commerce, british photography, camerawork, chimurenga, colonialism, community, cosmopolitan, economy, editorial, exhibition reviews, exploitation, feminism, gender stereotypes, german, hegemony, immigrant, left, magazine, magazine covers, mashona, national conference of socialist photography, new photography, north paddington community darkroom, photobooks, photomontage, politics of representation, portrait, portraiture, representation, representation of women, rhodes, rhodesia, socialism, spare rib, staeckbrief, stalinist, turkish, women, women and home, women's own, zimbabawe

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 24
Issue 24: Photography and Graphic Design1981, advertising, britain, charity, collage, collective, colonisation, control, cultural, elderly, empire, erotica, exploitation, feminist, feminist design, global issues, graphic design, hot pink heart graphics, identity, ideology, imperialism, india, interpretation, isolation, labour, liberation, magazine, mass production, Memory, montage, objectification, patriarchy, photography, photoworld exhibition, politics, pornography, positive, poster, poster film collective, poverty, print, printshop, propaganda, publicity, radical, recall, reminiscing, representation, reproduction, sexual politics, socialism, socialist, socialist worker party, spare rib, stereotypes, style, temporary hoarding, text and image, the people’s march for jobs, theory, trade unions, visual, women, women against violence against women, workers, workshop

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 29
Issue 29: Images of the Left, McClaren on Cable, Photomontage, Stuart Hall, Video1981, advertising, album covers, alternative, atrocity, band, beirut, beta, branding, broadcast, cable, campaign, colin roach, committing photography, community activism, community arts, community practice, conflict, constraints, darkroom, documentary, documentary realism, east london media forum, economic recession, edinburgh television festival, entertainment, exit photography group, factory records, fashion, female representation, film, format, funding, genocide, graphic design, ideology, inner cities, interview, interviews, invasion, isaac julien, israel, labour, labour party, lebanon, left, london video arts, malcolm mclauren, milton keynes, montage, mtv, music, nam june paik, network, new media, new order, photographing television, photojournalism, picture agency, political photograph, pop, popular, poverty, press, promotion, record industry, record sleeve, rentasnap, rio cinema, riots, self-portrait, simulation, slide, socialism, socialist realism, stuart hall, studio, style, survival programmes, taking tv pictures, tape/slide, television, the photo co-op, vhs, video, video art, video distribution, video exhibition, war, women’s photography, working class, youth vote, zionism

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 30
Issue 30: Black Culture, Pictures of women, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Pop Videos, Images of Waract of looking, advertising, american, anthropology, appropriation, archive, art in the age of the mass media, arts and action, auca, berlin, black, body, cable, cable development, captions, channel 4, civil war, collection, community, conflict, culture, darkroom, david hockney, desire, discourse, diy, drawing, el salvadorian film institute, elizabeth elliot, ethnography, exhibition, exhibition texts, fact, falklands, feminist, film, hayward gallery, heroism, hierarchy, history, hockney at the hayward, imperial war museum, independent film, independent video, indians, institute of contemporary art, loli galvar, love, mapplethorpe at the ica, media, mtv, music video, narrative, national identity, native, painting, patriarchy, photography, photomontage, pictures of women, pleasure principle, political, postcard, precarious masculinity, printing, promo video, promotion, promotion protecting photographs, record industry, record sales, reggae, renovation, representation, restoration, rising red star advertising agency, seminar, sexuality, sound systems, south hill park arts centre, stereotypes, still image, story, sudhost express, technology, television, television industry, text panels, the eleventh hour, the people will win, the savage my kinsman, time, video, visual perception, war, war photography, women, writing for exhibitions

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 31
Issue 31:Food: Images and Politics1984, a few hotheads, advertising, agriculture, archive, black audio film collective, body image, campaign, coal, colonial legacy, colonialism, colonies, community, consumption, control, desire, distribution, domination, easington, empire, ethnic, factory, farming, federation of community photography, fleet street, food, french, fruit preservers, guilt, gwent collage of higher education, history, import, indian, industrial dispute, industry, international women’s day, lipton, meat, middlesex, mining, naughty but nice, newport museum and art gallery, newport survey, orwell, packaging, photography course, photomontage, pleasure, political struggle, postcards, posters, preserves, production, racism, rural life, sexual violence, sexuality, signs of empire and images of nationality, slaughterhouse, socialist, sprouts, street market, strike, students, sugar, supermarket, tea, the commodities project, tondu photo workshop, tradition, vegetarian, weight, west midlands arts, women, women workers, working class, workshop, world

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Exhibition Poster for Coming & Going - Travellers in London by Barry Lewisadvertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Hire Income Trackingadvertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Touring Exhibition Booking Form No. 1 - Ruhr Planning Authorityadvertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Exhibition Panel Listadvertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Letter from British Rail granting photographic permissionadvertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Exhibition Panel List 1 of 2advertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Exhibition Panel List 2 of 2advertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Press Releaseadvertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station

Coming & Going - Travellers in London - Barry L...
Exhibition Panel Text - Panels 6 & 7advertising, billboards, bowler hat, branch closures, british rail, bus queue, charing cross station, city businessmen, city life, clapham junction, cleaners, commuters, commuting, congestion, crowds, delays, escalator, evening news, fluffer, heathrow airport, holborn tube, linesmen, liverpool street station, london bridge, museum of london, news, newspapers, oxford street, passengers, routemaster bus, rush hour, shoppers, sikhs, smoking carriage, streets, suburbs, trafalgar square, traffic, traffic jams, train station, trains, transport system, travel, tubes, underground, victoria station, waiting room, waterloo station