Camerawork Magazine - Issue 03
Issue 3: Victor Burgin Robert Golden Ralph Gibson Terry Dennett Manuel Alvarez Bravo'quadrants', advertising, alternative technology, amateur, bertolt brecht, developing, documentary, exhibitions, lambeth, leo castelli, manuel alvarez bravo, marxism, mexico, photography as art, photography dealers, pinhole, processing, ralph gibson, robert golden, roland barthes, sarah cox, semiotics, socialism, south island workshop, strikes, sue west, surrealism, trade unions, visual language, walter benjamin, workers, working class

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 09
Issue 9: The Picture Storyamerican press, artist in residence, audience, bacon-curing, black workers, boxing day, british army, community artist, cotton industry, criminal trespass law, eviction, family, farming, free photographic omnibus project, housing, ira, life magazine, magnum, meat industry, Memory, north sea oil rigs, northern irish conflict, objectivity, photo-diary, photo-journalism, photo-magazines, photography students, pig farming, pr, propaganda, squatting, textile industry, the picture story, the troubles, trade unions, wandsworth, war photography, workers

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 10
Issue 10: John Berger Jean Mohr Bill Jay Letter. Danny Lyon Interviewed. D.I.Y. Exhibitions'a seventh man', 'on photography', 'the family of man', 1973 coup, allende, alternative technology, attica rebellion, bikers, bill jay, black british, capitalism, captions, civil rights movement, class stereotypes, colonialism, copper industry, decline of photography, developing world, development of photography, documentary, economics of photography vs. film, editing, english psyche, exhibition captions, from photography to film, international labour office, lung disease, magnum, maternity, migrant workers, mining communities, oral history, photo-book, photography and memory, photography criticism, photomontage, pin-ups, play environments, political prisoners, pornography, post-colonialism, private vs. public photography, propaganda, publishing, racial discrimination, steel works, third world, touring exhibitions, trade unions, un, universality, us prisons, women workers, working children, workplace deaths, world health organisation

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 24
Issue 24: Photography and Graphic Design1981, advertising, britain, charity, collage, collective, colonisation, control, cultural, elderly, empire, erotica, exploitation, feminist, feminist design, global issues, graphic design, hot pink heart graphics, identity, ideology, imperialism, india, interpretation, isolation, labour, liberation, magazine, mass production, Memory, montage, objectification, patriarchy, photography, photoworld exhibition, politics, pornography, positive, poster, poster film collective, poverty, print, printshop, propaganda, publicity, radical, recall, reminiscing, representation, reproduction, sexual politics, socialism, socialist, socialist worker party, spare rib, stereotypes, style, temporary hoarding, text and image, the people’s march for jobs, theory, trade unions, visual, women, women against violence against women, workers, workshop