Camerawork Magazine - Issue 09
Issue 9: The Picture Storyamerican press, artist in residence, audience, bacon-curing, black workers, boxing day, british army, community artist, cotton industry, criminal trespass law, eviction, family, farming, free photographic omnibus project, housing, ira, life magazine, magnum, meat industry, Memory, north sea oil rigs, northern irish conflict, objectivity, photo-diary, photo-journalism, photo-magazines, photography students, pig farming, pr, propaganda, squatting, textile industry, the picture story, the troubles, trade unions, wandsworth, war photography, workers

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 32
Issue 32: Science and Technology19th c, advertisement, american, apalachia, arts council of great britain, body, brunel, canadian, classroom, computer, conference, cultures, discipline, documentary, education, erotic, fantasies, female, foucault, gender roles, glamour, great western railway, health, history, illumination, indians, industrialisation, isolation, jo spence, kingdom, knowledge, light, maxism, model, native, nineteenth century, nude, objectivity, panopticon, photographers in education, polysnappers, post-modernism, power, press, private, progress, public, punishment, rationality, records, review of work 1950 – 85, rhetoric, role reversal, science, scientific frameworks, sculpture, semiotics, sexual identity, sexuality, steamship, stereotype, stories, surveillance, technology, television mythologies, truth, typist, underprivileged, victorian, visual display unit, wellbeing, women, word processing