Camerawork Magazine - Issue 03
Issue 3: Victor Burgin Robert Golden Ralph Gibson Terry Dennett Manuel Alvarez Bravo'quadrants', advertising, alternative technology, amateur, bertolt brecht, developing, documentary, exhibitions, lambeth, leo castelli, manuel alvarez bravo, marxism, mexico, photography as art, photography dealers, pinhole, processing, ralph gibson, robert golden, roland barthes, sarah cox, semiotics, socialism, south island workshop, strikes, sue west, surrealism, trade unions, visual language, walter benjamin, workers, working class

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 23
Issue 23: Reporting Back on Ireland1968, anti-imperialist, bobby sands, british, british government, campaign, capital, catholic, civil rights, communication, conflict, coverage, crisis, direct rule 1972, distribution, economy, evidence, feminist struggles, funeral, history, housing, housing authorities, housing control, human rights, hunger strikes, imperialist, industrial decline, industry, intelligence, interview, investment, ira, ireland, irish, irish parliament, labour, liberation, loyalism, manipulation, manufacture, media, monopoly, nationalism, nationalist movement, news, northern ireland, northern ireland women’s rights group, northern irish housing executive, operation, partition, political parties, political status, pow, prisoner of war, prisoners, propaganda, property, protestant, provos, public sector, reform, report, reporting, repression, republicanism, resistance, segregation, sinn fein, sis, socialist women’s group, solidarity movement, special issue, struggle, television, terrorism, trade union, tv, unemployment, war, women, women and nationalism, women and republicanism, women’s organisations, working class, youth against oppression

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 29
Issue 29: Images of the Left, McClaren on Cable, Photomontage, Stuart Hall, Video1981, advertising, album covers, alternative, atrocity, band, beirut, beta, branding, broadcast, cable, campaign, colin roach, committing photography, community activism, community arts, community practice, conflict, constraints, darkroom, documentary, documentary realism, east london media forum, economic recession, edinburgh television festival, entertainment, exit photography group, factory records, fashion, female representation, film, format, funding, genocide, graphic design, ideology, inner cities, interview, interviews, invasion, isaac julien, israel, labour, labour party, lebanon, left, london video arts, malcolm mclauren, milton keynes, montage, mtv, music, nam june paik, network, new media, new order, photographing television, photojournalism, picture agency, political photograph, pop, popular, poverty, press, promotion, record industry, record sleeve, rentasnap, rio cinema, riots, self-portrait, simulation, slide, socialism, socialist realism, stuart hall, studio, style, survival programmes, taking tv pictures, tape/slide, television, the photo co-op, vhs, video, video art, video distribution, video exhibition, war, women’s photography, working class, youth vote, zionism

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 31
Issue 31:Food: Images and Politics1984, a few hotheads, advertising, agriculture, archive, black audio film collective, body image, campaign, coal, colonial legacy, colonialism, colonies, community, consumption, control, desire, distribution, domination, easington, empire, ethnic, factory, farming, federation of community photography, fleet street, food, french, fruit preservers, guilt, gwent collage of higher education, history, import, indian, industrial dispute, industry, international women’s day, lipton, meat, middlesex, mining, naughty but nice, newport museum and art gallery, newport survey, orwell, packaging, photography course, photomontage, pleasure, political struggle, postcards, posters, preserves, production, racism, rural life, sexual violence, sexuality, signs of empire and images of nationality, slaughterhouse, socialist, sprouts, street market, strike, students, sugar, supermarket, tea, the commodities project, tondu photo workshop, tradition, vegetarian, weight, west midlands arts, women, women workers, working class, workshop, world

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Hire Income Trackingblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview with Unigate Dairiesblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview with Steel Makerblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview with Bill Lloydblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview about life in the Steel industryblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview sectionblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview sectionblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview sectionblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview about the nature of workblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview with Machine Operativeblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview with Factory Managerblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview sectionblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview with Furnace menblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview sectionblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview with Lab Workerblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people

Factory Photographs - Nick Hedges
Interview sectionblast furnace worker, bobber and polisher, boredom, class, clocking in, foreman, furnace, furnace keeper, indian, industrial disease, injury, interviews, iron, jamaican, jobs, loyalty, lungs, machines, pay, pin ups, racial discrimination, senior furnaceman, shearer, shift work, shop steward, sociability, steel, steelworkers, steelworks, trade unionism, west midlands arts fellowship, woman padlock machiner, working class, working conditions, working mothers, working people