Camerawork Magazine - Issue 17
Issue 17: The fashion Spread, Blair Peach-No Cover Up, Matchgirls' Strike-Labour History Musuem, ...1880, activism, advertising, anti-racism, blair peach, bryant & may, capitalism, cliches, commercial photography, community, conservative, copyright, court, deborah turbeville, demonstation, demonstration, depression, do it yourself, economic policy, environment, fashion, fashion industry, female gaze, friends of blair peach committee, guy bourdin, helmut newton, inquest, intellectual property, intervention, labour history, law, male gaze, match-girls, matchbox, mechanical reproduction, media representation, national museum of labour history, nuclear, nuclear power station, nuclear waste, peter kennard, photography/politics, pinhole, police, police brutality, political statement, postcards, printer, privacy, property, protest, racial tension, radioactive waste, representations of women, rights, social reform, stereotypes, strike, teds, union, unionisation, vogue, walkerprint, who killed blair peach? police racism, windscale, windscale inquiry

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 31
Issue 31:Food: Images and Politics1984, a few hotheads, advertising, agriculture, archive, black audio film collective, body image, campaign, coal, colonial legacy, colonialism, colonies, community, consumption, control, desire, distribution, domination, easington, empire, ethnic, factory, farming, federation of community photography, fleet street, food, french, fruit preservers, guilt, gwent collage of higher education, history, import, indian, industrial dispute, industry, international women’s day, lipton, meat, middlesex, mining, naughty but nice, newport museum and art gallery, newport survey, orwell, packaging, photography course, photomontage, pleasure, political struggle, postcards, posters, preserves, production, racism, rural life, sexual violence, sexuality, signs of empire and images of nationality, slaughterhouse, socialist, sprouts, street market, strike, students, sugar, supermarket, tea, the commodities project, tondu photo workshop, tradition, vegetarian, weight, west midlands arts, women, women workers, working class, workshop, world