Political Photomontage After Heartfield: A surv...
Exhibition Poster for Political Photomontage After Heartfield: A survey by David Evans and Sylvia...
A Document on Chile - Peter Kennard & Ric Sissons
Exhibition Poster for A Document On Chile by Peter Kennard and Ric Sissons
Oral History Excerpt - Peter Kennard
Kennard describes his HMPW laminated exhibition A Document on Chile
Oral History Excerpt - Peter Kennard
Kennard describes the power of Camerawork as a collective organisation that was able to operate n...
Oral History Excerpt - Peter Kennard
Kennard describes how his photomontage work was accepted within Camerawork / HMPW, despite this s...
Oral History Excerpt - Peter Kennard
Kennard describes the article that he produced for Camerawork magazine entitled State of the Nati...