1165 results

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
A catalogue about Half Moon Photography Workshop Touring Exhibitions (missing cover and other pages)
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
A flyer for Camerawork's darkroom, workshops, courses, events and exhibitions: Our Lady of the Ig...
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
A flyer for Camerawork's darkroom, workshops, courses, events and exhibitions: Bodies of Experien...
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
A flyer for Camerawork's darkroom, workshops, courses, events and exhibitions: Drum; Patners In C...
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
A flyer for Camerawork's darkroom, workshops, courses, events and exhibitions: Execation; Transat...
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Annual Report 1982-1983 - Incomplete: Front cover, contents and page 1 only
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Darkroom Floor Plan - page 31, 32 and 32 of unknown document
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Proposal Paper and Covering Letter from David Hoffman 21 July
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Letter to Joanna Drew Director of Arts Council from Deborah Keys