621 results

Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence and Tom Picton at the 'Kids and Photography' workshop event held with the Blackfriars S...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Mike Abrahams running a tape-slide workshop at the 'Kids and Photography' workshop event held wit...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Terry Dennett, of HMPW giving a film processing demonstration at the 'Kids and Photography' work...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Liz Heron bringing teas during the 'Kids and Photography' workshop event held with the Blackfriar...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Terry Dennett, of HMPW giving a film processing demonstration at the 'Kids and Photography' work...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Pierre Coutanche, who led the 'Visions of the Blind' show by blind children at Linden Lodge schoo...