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684 results


Oral History Excerpt - Julia Meadows

Meadows recalls the efforts Half Moon made to reduce the elitist stigma around photography as art...

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater discusses the new era of photography Camerawork was a part of: it did not have to be exclu...

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater discusses the role of photography as a method to show truth and “bearing witness” in the c...

Oral History Excerpt - Wendy Ewald

Ewald talks about the hardship of bringing photography in the country when it was not yet recogni...

Oral History Excerpt - Paul Trevor

Trevor discussing many of the contemporaries that worked in or with Camerawork Magazine through t...
0000060_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_No Access.jpg

No Access - Julie Mimack

Exhibition Poster for No Access: photographs by disabled people by Julie Mimack

Who Killed Blair Peach?

Letter from Richard Platt to Rob Giles about costs and arrangements for exhibiting the show in Ne...
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