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684 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

22nd Feb 1975; Tom Picton auctioning prints at the Half Moon Photography Workshop's first photo j...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1975; Paul Trevor and volunteer Janet Goldberg working on paste-up for the first issue o...

Mike Goldwater Collection

January 1976; A folding session for Camerawork's first issue at Mike Goldwater's studio in Fitzro...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1975; Mike Goldwater doing a radio interview following the first issue of Camerawork Magaz...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Ed Barber and Jo Spence at work in the Half Moon office at the back of the theatre. Feb 1976 P...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Letter to Richard Mills with a funding proposal for the Halfmoon Photography Workshop, 9th Septem...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Estate show, September 1974 is about a housing estate in Ferdinand Street, Chalk Farm, London by ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Estate', 19 Sept to 16th Oct 1974 is an exhibition about a housing estate in Ferdinand Street, Ch...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Estate', 19 Sept to 16th Oct 1974 is an exhibition about a housing estate in Ferdinand Street, Ch...

David Hurn Photograph

Photograph of a bride and groom outside with family and friends throwing confetti
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