General Press - Four Corners
An article on screenings at Four Corners in East End News, with listings for various local cinemas
Organisational - Four Corners
Report on facilities, support, exhibition, advertising, and funding of Four Corners' workshop. Pa...
Organisational - Four Corners
Report on facilities, support, exhibition, advertising, and funding of Four Corners' workshop. Pa...
Organisational - Four Corners
Typed letter and comps slip from Sylvia Harvey of Sheffield polytechnic about BFI letter. Page 2 ...
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Darkroom Floor Plan - page 31, 32 and 32 of unknown document
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 21
Issue 21: Representing the Disabled, Gaining Momentum - Eight Women Photograph Women, Photography...
Gaining Momentum 8 women photograph women - Vic...
Exhibition Poster for Gaining Momentum 8 women photograph women by Vicky White, Sarah Wyld, Chia ...
Organisational - Four Corners
Report on facilities, support, exhibition, advertising, and funding of Four Corners' workshop
Organisational - Four Corners
Typed letter to Gillian Hartnoll at the BFI about grant and corrections for last letter