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779 results

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No Access - Julie Mimack

Exhibition Poster for No Access: photographs by disabled people by Julie Mimack

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren discuss how she joined Four Corners Workshop, the importance it had on her life and other ...

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater discusses the new era of photography Camerawork was a part of: it did not have to be exclu...
0000036_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Bedford St.Liverpool 8.jpg

Oral History Excerpt - Julia Meadows

Meadows describes some of the early exhibitions at Half Moon Gallery (later Half Moon Photography...
0000041_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Women A photographic Exhibition.jpg

Oral History Excerpt - Julia Meadows

Meadows explains how she became involved with the Half Moon Gallery (later Half Moon Photography ...

Oral History Excerpt - Lis Rhodes

Rhodes discussing the Circles cinema programme at the Four Corners and the importance of public s...

Monday Workshop

A Four Corners Poster for the Monday Workshop

Unwaged Day Event

Poster for film, video, tape, and photography workshops and a series of films on Women & Health a...
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