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1467 results

0003756_Still_Val Wilmer

Oral History Excerpt - Val Wilmer

Wilmer talks about her travels to USA and how feminism and racial discrimination were part of her...
0003756_Still_Val Wilmer

Oral History Excerpt - Val Wilmer

Wilmer discusses how she got her first major exhibition at the V&A in 1972.
0000041_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Women A photographic Exhibition.jpg

Oral History Excerpt - Val Wilmer

Wilmer describes the success of her first major exhibition at the V&A, her work for the Times as ...
0003759_Still_Val Wilmer

Oral History Excerpt - Val Wilmer

Wilmer talks about the beginning of Format with Maggie Murray, a women’s picture agency

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater reflects on his desire to work with Camerawork as a combination of his academic interests ...

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater discussing how he found out about Camerawork after moving to North London, meeting Shirley...
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