Camerawork Magazine - Issue 12
Issue 12: Portraits'public' vs. 'private' photography, 19th century photography, album photography, amateur, archetypes
'public' vs. 'private' photography, 19th century photography, album photography, amateur, archetypes, art photography, cabinet photo, calotypes, carte-de-visite, celebrity, commodification of sex, commodity, daguerrotype, david bowie, democratisation of photography, documentary, dolls, drug culture, early commercial photography, early studio portrait photography, environmental portraits, experiences of sitters, fame, families, family albums, fashion photography, glamour, holiday photos, hollywood, homelessness, housing, individuality, Memory, mothers, national campaign for the homeless, objectification, paparazzi, photo-portrait, pictorialism, pin-up, pop art, pornography, portrait, portrait photography, portrait photography vs paintings, portraits of musicians, portraiture, poverty, prostitutes, prostitution, publicity, punk, record industry, rembrandt, second sight, self-portrait, shelter, snapshots, star system, stereograph, storyville portraits, studio portrait photography, subculture, the nude, weegee, women photographers
Changing Nights
4 page leaflet about the Youth Cinema Workshop group including cinema listingschanging nights, cinema, derek jarman, events, film programme, film screenings, four corners, gangs, half moon theatre, jubilee, ken loach, paul corrigan, punk, resistance, robert wise, stuart hall, tony garnett, up the junction, west side story, workshop, young people, youth cinema workshop, youth subculture