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372 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

Spring 1976; Volunteer Janet Goldberg holds up the layout for a poster image that we used during ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Spring 1976; Jo Spence mailing out the second issue of Camerawork together with General Strike ex...

Mike Goldwater Collection

We produced a ''They Said It" poster with quotes from the press about the first issues of Camera...

Mike Goldwater Collection

We produced a ''They Said It" poster with quotes from the press about the first issue of Cameraw...

Railman - Joanna Davis, Mary Pat Leece, Ronald ...

Set against the backdrop of state divestment in transport infrastructure, Railman documents the d...

Film Making Group

A Four Corners Poster for the Film Making Group
0000090_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_The Public Face of British Photography.jpg

Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...

Perspectives on contemporary British Photography 6.The Public Face of British Photography. Semi...
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