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464 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

January 1976; A folding session for Camerawork's first issue at Mike Goldwater's studio in Fitzro...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1975; Mike Goldwater doing a radio interview following the first issue of Camerawork Magaz...

GLAA Magazine Report

Halfmoon Gallery 1100 word report for GLAA Magazine - Jan-Aug 1975

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Letter to Richard Mills with a funding proposal for the Halfmoon Photography Workshop, 9th Septem...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Letter from Mike Goldwater to unnamed individuals asking for donations to support Half Moon Galle...
0000072_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Beirut, Photographs from the Israeli invasion of Lebanon .jpg

Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...

Exhibition Poster for Beirut, Photographs from the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon 1982/83 by Judah P...

School's Out

A flyer for a series of photography workshops aimed at young lesbians and gay men

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

A black and white photograph of men working on an installation
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