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481 results


Organisational - Four Corners

Detailed document about the organisation including history, constitution, capital expenditure sin...

Organisational - Four Corners

Letter about concern about new workshop members not being familiar with the history of the instit...

Organisational - Four Corners

Letter from Alan Sapper (General Secretary of ACTT) to Peter Conway (Tower Hamlets Arts Officer) ...

Organisational - Four Corners

Letter from Alan Sapper (General Secretary of ACTT) to Peter Conway (Tower Hamlets Arts Officer) ...
0002016_Still_Purbo London.jpg

Purbo London - Ruhul Amin

Ruhul Amin’s first film. Based in East London, the film follows the life of a young clothing work...

Organisational - Four Corners

Typed letter to Gillian Hartnoll at the BFI about grant and corrections for last letter

Organisational - Four Corners

Typed letter and comps slip from Sylvia Harvey of Sheffield polytechnic about BFI letter

Organisational - Four Corners

Report on facilities, support, exhibition, advertising, and funding of Four Corners' workshop. Pa...

Organisational - Four Corners

Report on facilities, support, exhibition, advertising, and funding of Four Corners' workshop. Pa...

Organisational - Four Corners

Typed letter and comps slip from Sylvia Harvey of Sheffield polytechnic about BFI letter. Page 2 ...

Organisational - Four Corners

Typed letter from Mary-Pat Leece to Jo Davis about various funding and mangement issues at Four C...
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