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161 results


Youth Cinema Workshop

B/w photograph of a book - Young National Front supporters on show at demonstration (Sep 1978)

Youth Cinema Workshop

B/w photograph of a book - Mods in Brighton. The police rounded them up and sent them back on a s...

Organisational - Four Corners

History of Four Corners and Four Corners Cinema with ongoing workshops/events/hires. An extract f...

Organisational - Four Corners

Black and white poster for Four Corners Cinema with booking information overleaf. Page 2 of 2

Organisational - Four Corners

Four Corners workshop and cinema leaflet with workshop and cinema ratecard inside. Page 2 of 4

Organisational - Four Corners

Four Corners workshop and cinema leaflet with workshop and cinema ratecard inside. Page 3 of 4

Organisational - Four Corners

Four Corners workshop and cinema leaflet with workshop and cinema ratecard inside. Page 4 of 4

Organisational - Four Corners

A draft letter about the Four Corners cinema programme with handwritten annotations. Page 2 of 3
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