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202 results


Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

A flyer for Camerawork's darkroom, workshops, courses, events and exhibitions: Despite It All, Wo...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Darkroom Floor Plan - page 31, 32 and 32 of unknown document

Oral History Excerpt - Don Slater

Slater discusses the new era of photography Camerawork was a part of: it did not have to be exclu...

Narita. Twelve years of opposition to Japan's s...

Touring show poster. As on most of the posters, a space was left for venues to overprint their ow...

Mike Goldwater Collection

1974; Mike Goldwater in his darkroom, inside a disused industrial fridge at the Dairy, Chalk Far...

Mike Goldwater Collection

September 1977; The HMPW minivan, given to us by Fox Photos during the first Photo Jumble Sale an...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - view from roof to rear out-building being used as office space and...

Mike Goldwater Collection

August 1979; Building works - some exhibition panels from a touring show were put up in the galle...

Guatemala: A Testimonial - Susan Meiselas

Inner London Education Authority's magazine December 1983 with a brief mention of the exhibition ...

Guatemala: A Testimonial - Susan Meiselas

Tower Hamlets News December 1983 with a brief mention of the exhibition 'Guatemala: A Testimonial...

Guatemala: A Testimonial - Susan Meiselas

The Islington Gutter Press December 1983 - January 1984 with an article on the exhibition 'Guatem...
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