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1467 results


Who Killed Blair Peach?

Letter from Richard Platt to Rob Giles about costs and arrangements for exhibiting the show in Ne...
0000041_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Women A photographic Exhibition.jpg

WOMEN a photographic exhibition - Dorothy Bohm,...

Exhibition Poster for WOMEN a photographic exhibition by Maggie Murray, Sally Greenhill, Val Wilm...

Women and Health

Films, discussion, and information on Childcare as part of the Women and Health season
0002941_Camerawork_Document_Camerawork_ScienceAndTechnology_WomenAndScience_PressRelease_1985_Page 1.jpg

Women and Science - Roberta Graham, Sandra Lahi...

Press release for the "Women and Science" exhibition, part of the Science and Technology Programme

Women and Science - Roberta Graham, Sandra Lahi...

A letter from Clare Dove to Sharon Kivland declining the opportunity to work on the "Women and Sc...

Workshops in Film, Video, Tape & Slide

Poster for film, video, tape, and photography workshops at Four Corners Cinema

Youth Cinema Workshop

Black and white photograph of young people. Interior

Youth Cinema Workshop

Black and white photograph of young people. Interior

Youth Cinema Workshop

Black and white photograph of young people. Interior

Youth Cinema Workshop

Black and white photograph of young people. Exterior

Youth Cinema Workshop

Black and white photograph of young people. Exterior
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