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157 results


People Portraits - Ed Barber

Note regarding booking for Institute of Education
0000085_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Photography on the Curriculum.jpg

Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...

Perspectives on contemporary British Photography 2. Photography on the Curriculum The purporse of...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Letter to Richard Mills with a funding proposal for the Halfmoon Photography Workshop, 9th Septem...

Organisational - Four Corners

Typed overview of what Four Corners does. Includes funding, building, education work, & Mothers a...

General Press - Four Corners

A Tower Hamlets Adult Education Short Course - Outline of 5 evenings of film and video looking at...

Organisational - Four Corners

Handwritten letter and news cutting to Mr Goodfield from Phil Shepherd at Tower Hamlets Arts Comm...

Organisational - Four Corners

Handwritten letter and news cutting to Mr Goodfield from Phil Shepherd at Tower Hamlets Arts Comm...

General Press - Four Corners

A Tower Hamlets Adult Education Short Course - Outline of 5 evenings of film and video looking at...

Organisational - Four Corners

Typed overview of what Four Corners does. Includes funding, building, education work, & Mothers a...

Organisational - Four Corners

Handwritten letter and news cutting to Mr Goodfield from Phil Shepherd at Tower Hamlets Arts Comm...
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