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253 results

0000060_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_No Access.jpg

No Access - Julie Mimack

Exhibition Poster for No Access: photographs by disabled people by Julie Mimack

Narita. Twelve years of opposition to Japan's s...

Touring show poster. As on most of the posters, a space was left for venues to overprint their ow...

Monday Workshop

A Four Corners Poster for the Monday Workshop

Mike Goldwater Collection

Spring 1976; Volunteer Janet Goldberg holds up the layout for a poster image that we used during ...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Spring 1976; Jo Spence mailing out the second issue of Camerawork together with General Strike ex...

Mike Goldwater Collection

We produced a ''They Said It" poster with quotes from the press about the first issues of Camera...

Mike Goldwater Collection

We produced a ''They Said It" poster with quotes from the press about the first issue of Cameraw...

Mike Goldwater Collection

Feb 1978 George Solomonides photographing the 1978 jumble sale poster image. Photo by Mary Virg...

Leisure Out of Work - John Blake, Ron Haselden

Exhibition Poster for Leisure - Out of Work by John Blake, Ron Haselden; Home Entertainment by Gr...

Jewish Women in London Group Film Benefit

Poster advertising a film benefit by a feminist oral history project at Four Corners cinema, show...

In The Classroom

Poster for Cinema Workshop, including a screening of 'Don't Think So'

In The Classroom

Poster for Cinema Workshop, including s screening of 'Don't Think So'
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