Mike Goldwater Collection
A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...
Mike Goldwater Collection
A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...
Mike Goldwater Collection
A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Left to right, Shirley Read, Mike Goldwater, Paul Trevor, Jo Spence, Terry Dennett and a voluntee...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Left to right, Shirley Read, Mike Goldwater, Paul Trevor, Terry Dennett, Liz Heron, a volunteer a...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence and Mike Goldwater at work in the HMPW office on the first floor behind the theatre. ...
Mike Goldwater Collection
A meeting at Mike Goldwater's studio in Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill in the winter of 1977 to disc...
Mike Goldwater Collection
A meeting at Mike Goldwater's studio in Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill in the winter of 1977, perhap...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence and Tom Picton at the 'Kids and Photography' workshop event held with the Blackfriars S...
Oral History Excerpt - Ruhul Amin
Amin describes attending Four Corners’ film workshops under Wilf Thust, Jo Spence, and Paul Hallam.
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Gallery Programme with details of exhibitions held at Camerawork in 1985-86 including attendance ...
Food as Metaphor & Science and Technology - Var...
Exhibition programme for "Food Consumption/Retail Rituals", "The Medicine Show" and other special...
Science And Technology Programme
A flyer for a series of workshops and events related to the Science and Technology Programme, inc...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 21
Issue 21: Representing the Disabled, Gaining Momentum - Eight Women Photograph Women, Photography...
Cinema in East London
This is a tape/slide programme made by Wilf Thust, Ron Peck, Joanna Davis, Mary Pat Leece and Pau...
Organisational - Four Corners
Detailed document about the organisation including history, constitution, capital expenditure sin...