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571 results

0002941_Camerawork_Document_Camerawork_ScienceAndTechnology_WomenAndScience_PressRelease_1985_Page 1.jpg

Women and Science - Roberta Graham, Sandra Lahi...

Press release for the "Women and Science" exhibition, part of the Science and Technology Programme

Mike Goldwater Collection

Autumn 1975; Jo Spence in the new office that the Half Moon Theatre had made available, a small s...

Mike Goldwater Collection

3rd March 1975; 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Tom Picton, (bottom left) Senior Lecture...

Mike Goldwater Collection

3rd March 1975; 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Tom Picton, (bottom left) Senior Lecture...

People Portraits - Ed Barber

A series of postcards for the Half Moon Photography Workshop Touring Exhibition. Page...

Family Self-Portrait - Richard Greenhill

A series of postcards for the Half Moon Photography Workshop Touring Exhibition
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