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785 results


Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck

Peck discusses the development of the film ‘Nighthawks’, Britain’s first feature film about the g...

Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck

Peck discussing meeting independent filmmakers and the process behind getting funding for Nightha...

Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck

Peck discussing the pressure to create more ambitious and wider-ranging independent work against ...

Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck

Peck reflects on Four Corners' relationship with local people in Bethnal Green at the time.
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The Tigers Milk: Women of Nicaragua - Fiona Mac...

Nicaraguan women describe details of their daily lives under the Somoza regime in this instructiv...
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The Death of a Father: A Conspiracy of Silence ...

The film is a representation of the gender condition and the patriarchal role within the family d...

Is That It? - Wilf Thust

Printed programme to accompany the film. Includes detailed information of contributors and suppor...
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A Kind of English - Ruhul Amin

A Kind of English explores the myriad of complex relationships which develop as a family from Ben...
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