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481 results


Organisational - Four Corners

Discussion document about past projects and future policy and objectives. Page 4 of 5

Organisational - Four Corners

Discussion document about past projects and future policy and objectives. Page 5 of 5

Four Corners Flyer

Flyer for Four Corners cinema and workshop, Cover

Four Corners Flyer

Flyer for Four Corners cinema and workshop, Inside

Organisational - Four Corners

A letter from Channel Four Television to Joanna Davis regarding funding for 1984/1985 programme o...

Organisational - Four Corners

A letter from Channel Four Television to Joanna Davis regarding funding for 1984/1985 programme o...

Organisational - Four Corners ACCTT Workshop De...

A booklet explaining the declaration required for ACTT approval for production units for film and...
0002015_Still_The price of silver.jpg

The Price of Silver - Richard Taylor

The film covers the process of a series of young people seeking employment and the difficulties a...
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